Am 13.06.2018 um 00:24 schrieb Chris Johns:
> On 12/06/2018 17:45, Christian Mauderer wrote:
>> Am 12.06.2018 um 09:29 schrieb Chris Johns:
>>> On 12/06/2018 17:18, Christian Mauderer wrote:
>>>> Am 12.06.2018 um 07:08 schrieb Chris Johns:
>>>>> On 09/06/2018 02:45, Christian Mauderer wrote:
>>>>>> Did you also note Gedares suggestion to move the rtems_waf.git to the
>>>>>> public repos? Maybe that would be a good idea.
>>>>> Yes I did and it is a good idea. I have move the repo to the top level and
>>>>> updated cgit's config so it is viewable.
>>>>> Will need to update the repos that include this. Please consider the 
>>>>> changes to
>>>>> do that pre-approved.
>>>> This change will make it necessary to do a `git submodule sync` for
>>>> every user in the affected repositories. So maybe it would be a good
>>>> time to think about another point to avoid a second sync:
>>>> Do we want to keep the absolute URL or do we want to use relative URLs?
>>>>> The first one has a longer backward compatibility (relative URLs are
>>>> there since 2007: which
>>>> should be somewhere between git 1.5 and git 1.6).
>>>> The second one would allow mirrors that use a mirrored sub-repository too.
>>> What do you think we should do?
>> My first guess would have been to use relative URLs. But after I've seen
>> that this feature is there only since 2012 (1.7.12) (see second mail)
>> I'm not so sure anymore.
>> It seems that there are not too much active distributions left that have
>> a git < 1.7.12 in the latest release:
>> But on the other hand for example CentOS 6 (which is one of the longest
>> supported distributions I know of) still has a git 1.7.1. And I would
>> expect that this is a distribution that has the potential to be used as
>> a build machine quite often.
>> So also relative modules would be a good idea, maybe we should wait for
>> something around two or three more years (CentOS 6 runs out of support
>> in 11/2020).
> This makes sense. Thanks.

OK. I'll have a look at all repos in the next few days where the
submodule is used and change the URL. I'll post a message to the mailing
lists as soon as it is done to inform the user that a "git submodule
sync" fixes the address.

>>>> By the way: Shouldn't the rtems_waf be mirrored on github too? I think
>>>> most core-repositories are.
>>> Yes it would be good to have the repo mirrored on git. It is one of the 
>>> hooks in
>>> list that does this. Anyone with commit access should be able to edit the 
>>> hooks
>>> and change this.
>> But most likely someone belonging to the github RTEMS group has to
>> create it there first, right?
> I suppose so, I do not know. I am a novice github user. Sebastian?

I'll ask him. But I think that is quite independent of the URL change.

> Chris

embedded brains GmbH
Herr Christian Mauderer
Dornierstr. 4
D-82178 Puchheim
Phone: +49-89-18 94 741 - 18
Fax:   +49-89-18 94 741 - 08
PGP: Public key available on request.

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