On Wed, Feb 26, 2003 at 10:16:24AM +0100, Max Zaitsev wrote:
>> I've just committed a fix for this.  The driver was incorrectly testing
>> for acceleration being enabled when the DGA capabilities get initialised.
>That's great news! Thanks for that. Do I have to compile the whole CVS tree or  
>there is a way to patch the i810 driver for 4.2.0?

The 4.2.0 i810 driver doesn't even support the 845G, so I'm not sure
what you mean.  I'm assuming you're using the CVS version, and that's
where the fix is.  If you're not using the CVS version, then you can
probably find the patch via cvsweb.xfree86.org.

David Dawes
Release Engineer/Architect                      The XFree86 Project
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