On Mon, Jun 02, 2003 at 04:30:11PM -0600, Mark Cuss wrote:
> Hello
> I'm not sure if this is an X problem or not - if not, please let me know...
> I have a Toshiba Satellite 2450 notebook on which I've recently installed RedHat 8.  
> Everything works OK, except that sometimes in X when I type (in a terminal or 
> anywhere else), my keystrokes are doubled up (ie - pressing "s" once results in 2 of 
> them in the terminal).  This can happen every 10th keystroke or so...
> This doesn't seem to happen when X isn't running, so I think it may be an X thing.  
> I've attached my config file - I couldn't find anything out of the ordinary in 
> here...
> If anyone has any suggestions I'd appreciate them...

Try disabling xkb when starting X. So do this....

startx -- -kb

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