Alex Deucher wrote:

It appears that the ati firegl driver does not support xinerama when
using its "dualhead/mergedfb" mode.  I'd be happy to add xinerama
support for ati's driver.  just tell them to release the source ;)

Hm, I don't recall any required explicit code for Xinerama support in my driver.. (speaking of normal dual head, not MergedFB)

The Xinerama extension is initialized after the driver has done its part(s). If the option "Xinerama" is set, it's being added to the list of extensions, if not - not. Xinerama is fully transparent for the driver...

No idea what the ATI folks have done there... seems to be some sort of mergedfb mode, too.

Does that piece support "normal" dual head mode (speak: 2 device sections, 2 screen sections, etc)?


Thomas Winischhofer
thomas AT winischhofer DOT net          ***
twini AT xfree86 DOT org

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