JG> So I'd just open the device and see if PS/2 mice work at this date.

PS/2 mice and AT keyboards most definetily do work with the event
interface, at least since 2.5.73 (the first 2.5 kernel I tested[1]).
They do not work in current 2.4, where the event interface is for USB
peripherals only.

JG> So it is entirely possible everything is already there in current
JG> Linux distributions.

It's not in stock 2.4 yet.

JG> So you still have to do a select/poll, read all pending input
JG> events on all different devices, and merge the events in the 
JG> server into a single stream in time stamp order.

Can that happen in dix, or should it be below?

(Additionally, a large jump in time, say more than a second, should be
treated as a barrier so as to deal with the clock being stepped.  That
would make one of the hacks in our hw layer go away.)


[1] It did work, but froze when compiling XFree86.  2.6.0-test4
    works but the disk scheduler is disappointing, at least on my
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