
Am Donnerstag, 08.01.04 um 23:07 Uhr schrieb Warren Turkal:

Mario Klebsch wrote:
You cannot get anything worse than a compiler error. :-)

BTW, what is your intention?

I wanna use the freedesktop.org xlib with the XFree86 source tree.

xlib is just a small layer on top of the XLib protocol. So what should be gained by using a different implementation?

But without digging to deep into that question, does freedesktop only provide an alternative xlib or do they offer an alternative to XFree (providing a complete set of libraries (xlib, Xt, Xaw, ...) and the imake based build system?

Only having an xlib is not sufficient to build most X11 applications.

73, Mario
Mario Klebsch                                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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