Mario Klebsch wrote:
> xlib is just a small layer on top of the XLib protocol. So what should
> be gained by using a different implementation?

> But without digging to deep into that question, does freedesktop only
> provide an alternative xlib or do they offer an alternative to XFree
> (providing a complete set of libraries (xlib, Xt, Xaw, ...) and the
> imake based build system?

Freedesktop is intending to produce a full set of xlibs. All of the libs we
have packaged are built with autotools. We have also broken many of the
libs into their own packages so that pieces can be upgraded independently.
We have added pkgconfig support to all libs so that autoconf can more
easily detect libs and compile flags and link flags needed. We are hoping
to do a number of things including moving to an XCB/XCL implementation in
the near future. We would love it if XFree86 programs could be compiled
against our libs so that we could test our libs more fully.

> Only having an xlib is not sufficient to build most X11 applications.

We also have the canonical versions of the render extension, the randr
extension, the kdrive server, and other goodies.

Check it out at or

Warren Turkal
President, GOLUM, Inc.

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