Sent: Saturday, February 07, 2004 6:29 PM
Subject: Re: Newbie question, difference between offscreen and onscreen
image formats?

> The image formats registered via xf86XVScreenInit are ones that
> are exported to the clients.  The ones registered via
> xf86XVRegisterOffscreenImages are for internal use only.  The
> idea being that they are the hardware's native overlay format or
> formats that can be exposed to other parts of the server such as
> a module which uses V4L.  Reasons why some formats would be
> exposed as client XvImages while they wouldn't be exposed as
> OffscreenImages could be:
>   * The XvImage formats aren't implemented via the overlay, but
>     with some texture or blit mechanism.
>   * The XvImage formats, though using the overlay, aren't the native
>     hardware format and require CPU reformating on the copy.
>   * There are hardware or software complications related to other
>     devices bus mastering data into those overlay formats.
>   * Simply an oversight, or somebody just didn't get around to
>     adding them, or didn't have a way to adequetly test them.

Thanks for the explaination.

I know chiip and tech 69000/69030 supports both YUV and RGB overlays. So I
guess, all the formats should also be registered as offscreen formats. Any
idea what else needs to be changed? Like which functions get called to
set/start/stop/capture overlays.

Or should I contact one of the chips driver's developer?


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