On Thu, Apr 08, 2004 at 03:01:02PM -0700, Alan Coopersmith wrote:
> georgina o. economou wrote:
> >I notice many of the affected files do not bear the license notice
> >mentioned in the checkin notice. Is that intentional? Will everyone
> >investigating the license that applies to a file now have to check
> >every CVS commit log entry for that file as well as the file itself
> >to find out which license applies? 
> >
> >now this was a joke right?  you got a great sense of humour there.

Some of the quoting appears to be lost in this (Coopersmith's question,
and - I don't see it in my email - Economou's apparent followup).
> Yep, I must have been kidding myself to believe the XFree86 License web page
> when it said "Refer to each source file for specific licence details" or that
> it would continue under the "each file lists the license covering it" policy
> that X and most other multi-license open source projects have always used.

I'm playing by those rules.
> But then I suppose since I help people produce "copycat garbage", you would
> say I have no place even looking at XFree86 anymore.

hmm - who are you quoting?

Thomas E. Dickey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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