On Tue, Aug 30, 2005 at 06:01:42PM -0400, Michael wrote:
>> >I don't see why they should be enabled - they're PC-specific and even
>> >with x86 emulation they would be pretty much useless since you're not
>> >too likely to encounter a graphics board with PC firmware in a Mac (
>> >or other PowerPC boxes )
>> Wrong.  No hardware manufacturer in their right mind would build a 
>> Mac-only PCI graphics board, with the possible exception of Apple.  
>What the hell are you talking about? VESA BIOS is x86 only. Int10 is PC
>> They're going to build a generic graphics board that works in a PC and
>> by the way also works in a Mac.  Such a board will have a video BIOS.
>A Mac graphics board will have an OpenFirmware driver and possibly a
>MacOS driver in ROM, not a VESA BIOS. 

Is the implication here that plugging a PC PCI graphics card into
a powerpc machine will never work (as a secondary display), even
if the software driving it knows how to initialise it in the absence of

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