If it wasn't clear the last commit push had all cstyle warnings fixed. It is 

> On 30 Sep 2016, at 14:19, Tom Caputi <notificati...@github.com> wrote:
> @ahrens @lundman I looked into the style errors. ZoL does not specify any 
> flags to cstyle.pl. When you add -cPp to the make checkstyle command there 
> are 396 errors on the current upstream master (without the encryption PR). I 
> think it might be best to fix the style errors locally in this PR and then we 
> can make a separate PR against ZoL to fix all the style errors and add -cPp 
> to the Makefile (and therefore the buildbot) so that these issues won't come 
> up anymore.
> ―
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