Hi developers,

The committers have recognized the need to create more insight into where development is going and planning. (For more context see the committers mailinglist: http://lists.mmbase.org/arc/committers.) This requires an inventory of development targets for the coming years, with an estimate of the required effort. In other words: a roadmap for the development of MMBase.

A fist step towards such a roadmap is assembling a list of ideas and requests for MMBase features and improvements for the next couple of years. I would like all of you to consider what you would like to see in such a list.

The first items that I want to put on the list are:
- generic workflow support
- a standardized and documented packaging system
- an alternative for the editwizards, that is easier to customize and extend

Please send us your ideas. Keep in mind that we we need to be openminded in this stage. Right now the emphasis must be on contributing suggestions. Discussing them must be postponed until the next stage, when we will try to identify goals and priorities based on this list.

Rob van Maris

Developers mailing list

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