At 11:56 +0200 18-05-2005, Rob van Maris wrote:
Below is the features list that I gathered sofar. The annotations are quotes from the mailinglist, I'll condense these into uniform descriptions later on.
Any more suggestions of features to add?

I would like to add, and that is maybe in line with what Ernst proposes, a generic and standardized way to describe object and relation clouds of MMBase. In the hope this will and can become the standard way for all MMBase applications, modules etc.

Much like the way it is or was implemented for the XMLimporter and in Apps I (don't know enough yet about Apps II i must confess) and in a way it can be used by editors. For example:

<node type="news">
  <field name="number">123</field>
  <field name="title">A title</field>
<node type="images">
  <field name="number">1234</field>
  <field name="title">Image title</field>
<relation role="posrel" source="123" destination="1234">
  <field name="number">12345</field>
  <field name="pos">2</field>

Describes the structure of the cloud and contains its data, but can also be used without the data for purposes in which the data is not present or unknown.

André van Toly                                mobile +31(0)627233562
Developers mailing list

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