Michiel wrote:

> I have no real clue how to communicate in some comprehensible way this
> kind of information to the client, for javascript impelmentaiton of the
> same or so.

This is where I figured the client-side XML would earn it's keep.

> I figure that much of this stuff will for some time remain to be
> customized on the JSP's/javascript. Or would you have hope to define
> these kind of things genericly?
Yes, to some or other degree.  Simply starting with a relationship type or
definition of sorts (user-define or standard) would go a long way in
providing generic logic and variants thereof.  I'd suggest that javascript
may earn a space in CSV before long.

> Perhaps it is easiest to talk back to the server with request for
> validity only, which it then can report, without crashing an exception
> to the poor user.
That's a simple validation exercise, but the more scalable option would be
the inclusion of generic (and specific) client-side logic, which could then
also manage some degree of business rules and complex validation.


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