> This may partially be addressed by the field-types project; it is about
> configuring more meta-data about fields and providing access and use of
> that. That would. e.g. elimate the need for specifying those kind of
> things again in your editor-implementation (like occurs now in
> editwizard).
> Michiel

Hi Michiel

I think the need extends further than field level - even for validation, one
sometimes has groups (as in the case of radio buttons) or dependent fields.
Beyond that, there are often complexities in relationship structure, complex
objects - whereby the data type is not known unless it's parent and
grandparent classes or types are known, dependent relationships, dynamic
objects which are defined by the relationships they keep - one of numerous
possibles (such as a field item, which may be a data entity, or a group of
data entities, which has a recursive link back into the data entity object).
These are all examples I've used, there must be plenty more.  These were
obviously achieved with custom pages and plenty of associated logic.


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