Hello everybody,

A question maybe you can have some ideas how to fix this.

We're using the rmmci application/module of MMBase (1.9.1-custombuild of november 2009). When upgrading MMBase from 1.8.6 to 1.9.1 we have connection problems with RMI in a specific situation. With 1.8.6 it worked well with the tight firewall settings, but since 1.9.1 we need to open de firewall quite wide to get it working. For this customer, the firewall should be set tight.

- We use the rmmci-module for publication from staging to live in CMS Container. - tight database settings mean: open only the stubport and normal port (4022 and 4023) at both staging and live servers.
- wide firewall means: open all ports >1024 between both servers.
- using and testing with JDK 1.6.0_r13 or JDK 1.6.0_r20 & Tomcat 6.0.18.
- We're using these settings in the context XMLs.
<Environment name="mmbase/rmmci/port" value="4022" type="java.lang.String" /> <Environment name="mmbase/rmmci/stubport" value="4023" type="java.lang.String" /> <Environment name="mmbase/rmmci/bindname" value="staging" type="java.lang.String" /> <Environment name="mmbase/rmmci/RMIRegistryServer" value="" type="java.lang.String" />
- at live, the bindname=live; used ports are the same.

Do you have an idea how to make the rmmci-module work again? I didn't see any changes in the module that could cause this..to my idea.

Jacobjob Koster

Finalist IT Group - Never stop developing!

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