04.12.2012, 21:02, "Pau Garcia i Quiles" <pgqui...@elpauer.org>:
> On Tue, Dec 4, 2012 at 5:21 PM, Konstantin Tokarev <annu...@yandex.ru> wrote:
>> There's no point in keeping separate branch purely for tags. It is just an 
>> unnecessary overcomplication.
> Actually, there is: it allows you to continue working in stabilization 
> branches, then discard those changes (i. e. never release them into master or 
> the -releases branch)

This is something you are supposed to do in topic branches, forked from 
stabilization branch. Also, you have git revert for extreme cases.

>and it helps overcome the lack of git tags support in some continuous 
>integration systems.

Sounds weird, like it was continuous integration system without support for 

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