On 01/11/2013 03:36 PM, Felipe Crochik wrote:
Are there plans to change this flow? I have to assume there were good reasons to do like this but without actually looking into the code it seems that would make more sense to combine the ministro code with the java wrapper generated for each application, no?

I understand ministro plays an important part and donwloads the right version of the libraries for each device and that we would have to duplicate its code with every application but it seems like a very reasonable price to pay if that would actually make the "first install" experience better. Are there any other technical reasons why this approach would not work?


We need alternative deployment mechanisms for the use cases that are not covered by Ministro, but there are issues with this for deploying imports and plugins and Ministro also makes it easier to deploy to different devices, as it downloads the correct version of the platform plugin for you. I think this is all solvable somehow, but I don't think the solution is integrating Ministro in each app, because each app would still have to download their own libraries if there's no central repository on the device. I think it would be better to make a secondary deployment method which allows you to put everything you need into the apk so that the app works out of the box and you have full control over the Qt libraries it uses and when these are updated. I'm not 100% sure what that would require at the moment, though. It could mean building statically, or it could mean something else.

So the bottom line: I do think we need support for this, but I think we should spend the time to find the right solution, so it's not likely to happen for the experimental version of the port we're planning to release with Qt 5.1. Since Ministro is well-tested and provides both a simple and working way of deploying and updating the libraries, imports and plugins we need, and it allows several apps to share the same binaries, so you avoid bloating the size of your app (which might a problem depending on how large your app is to begin with), I think it's a good solution for the first version of the port.

-- Eskil

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