On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 06:43:34PM +0000, Rutledge Shawn wrote:
> I do actually abandon stuff when it's quite clear that it's dead, but
> due to the review and CI processes, there's quite a large percentage
> of what I write that has hit some sort of obstacle and yet is still a
> good idea to somehow get done.
before somebody gets stupid ideas: the cut-off for dead changes will be
set at two months (or more - tbd) without any activity (which is not
pinging). i don't see how any regular processes could lead to changes
being stuck longer than that, and why "keep-alive" comments wouldn't be
an acceptable effort to handle the exceptional cases.

i don't yet know how to turn this into routine. but i think we should
repeat this each time in the middle between two minor releases, which
would make for a roughly half-yearly cycle.
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