On 14 Apr 2014, at 08:23, Тимур Артиков <t.arti...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Gunnar,
> In my case the current time of animations should be controlled by a video 
> output device, and this time is not equals to real time 
> (QUnifiedTimer::time.elapsed()).
> The QSG_FIXED_ANIMATION_STEP option is also not acceptable. I can't suppose 
> that rendering performance is stable, and in the case of a "slow frame" the 
> next frame should has 
> greater time delta.
> The only acceptable option for me is manually control the time of animations 
> (set it equals to the current time of the video output device).
> The custom QAnimationDriver, as I supposed, is the way to do it (by 
> overloading QAnimationDriver::advance and QAnimationDriver::elapsed). 
> But it does not works, because in some cases Qt uses time from 
> QUnifiedTimer::time.elapsed() and not QAnimationDriver::elapsed().
> I tried replace time.elapsed() to driver->elapsed() in 
> QUnifiedTimer::updateAnimationTimers method, and it seems to solve my issue.
> May be such changes should be done in the Qt source code?

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