> After playing a bit with Xamarin (yes, I know, but put aside the C# hate for 
> a minute),
>  it's quite striking what different approaches can result in (and it also made
>  it quite clear what Qt is doing better - but also worse than other cross
>  platform solutions).

Have you elaborated on this anywhere? I think a blog post or two
comparing Qt and alternatives like Xamarin would make interesting
reading for the community.


On 25 April 2014 08:14, Nicola De Filippo <nic...@nicoladefilippo.it> wrote:
> +1
>    N.
> Il giorno 24/apr/2014, alle ore 21:15, Attila Csipa <q...@csipa.in.rs> ha
> scritto:
> It's a bit tricky. Traditionally, Qt did UIs by mimicking/drawing the UI
> elements itself. This is cool, as it's allows for those native looking,
> but also super-customizable (and quite fast) UIs. Or, rather, this used
> to be cool. It's still VERY good for embedded and custom UIs requiring
> that pixel perfect snappy UI (also the reason why it fares so well in
> the consultancy/solutions business). But. Unfortunately platforms have
> diversified, UIs look/act more different than ever (and it's not going
> to change). This is, indirectly, IMO the reason why Qt Quick Components
> took so long, why they (pardon my French) suck, and why they will suck
> in the foreseeable future, and why I think Qt is (still) so far behind
> in mobile. It seems nobody has the bandwidth to reimplement ALL the
> controls/look'n'feel for ALL the platforms, so they would feel native
> and integrate with the Qt apps seamlessly. This would be OK if Qt was a
> game engine or not trying to have a general application framework
> appeal. The current mobile examples demonstrate IMHO this quite clearly
> - they do have a "I want this" appeal on a first run, but when you
> scratch the surface you see these are more like Potemkin villages than
> solutions to cross platform mobile development :( After playing a bit
> with Xamarin (yes, I know, but put aside the C# hate for a minute), it's
> quite striking what different approaches can result in (and it also made
> it quite clear what Qt is doing better - but also worse than other cross
> platform solutions).
> Best regards,
> Attila
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