On 19 March 2017 at 00:13, Marc Mutz <marc.m...@kdab.com> wrote:
>> > port these code lines manually come Qt 6. I do not consider auto
>> > variables "generic code".
>> Right. I, however, do consider them generic code. :)
> You're free to call a chicken a pig for your own entertainment, but in the
> interest of understanding what everyone says, please stick to established
> definitions. Generic code is generally understood to be code that uses generic

I have no trouble finding Concepts designers who consider auto the most generic
concept, one that has no requirements. It fits right into a spectrum
of constraints
between a concrete type and, well, itself, as auto is the other end of
that spectrum;
that's especially true of auto-type parameters, which are already in C++14,
but also of auto-type variables, which are already in C++11. Considering that
you can use an auto-type variable as a result of an overloaded call, I daresay
it fulfills the definition of generic code even by the measures you cited.
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