On 07/15/2017 02:56 AM, Thiago Macieira wrote:
On sexta-feira, 14 de julho de 2017 12:13:52 PDT Phil Bouchard wrote:
[1] https://clearlinux.org/features/intel%C2%AE-clear-containers

I understand but what's the problem with containers?  I think Linux
containers are also supported under Windows. Obviously some efforts will
have to be done to strip out some access to the hardware

Windows and macOS run Linux containers by starting a virtual machine that runs
Linux. The time those take to start is in the order of seconds, not tenths of
seconds like Clear Containers or tenths of milliseconds like regular

Clear Containers on Linux takes advantage that the *host* is Linux to bypass a
lot of things. It doesn't run a BIOS, for instance, and simply executes a
specially-prepared vmlinux binary inside the VM. There's no disk I/O --
everything is Direct Access (DAX) just like on tiny microcontrolers.

Making that run on macOS or Windows requires changes to the host OS itself.

Yes of course, I should have anticipated that. So one option left would be to:
- compile the Javascript file for each architecture / platform
- link that "jex" to a portable dynamic library API
- run native containers (Hyper-V on Windows I think)
- run the "jex" executable in that native container


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