On Tue, Dec 18, 2018 at 9:39 AM Martin Smith <martin.sm...@qt.io> wrote:

> I'll argue with you about it being a p1. If the problem is confined to the
> all-members list, it's not a p1 problem because the information is still
> there via the inherits links, which are more useful for seeing what is
> inherited anyway.

You can argue with the people that handled it through the tracker, I don't
prioritize bugs. From my point of view, however, it falls strictly into the
P1 category - it's a regression from the last version, not an edge-case
data loss, and it's pretty embarrassing.

My own opinion is that the all-members list should be removed.

I think no, unless there's another way to search for a method in the
hierarchy. Allowing for a somewhat contrived example:
Say I'm working with `QTemporaryFile` I know there exists something for
checking about it being readable but I don't know exactly from where it
comes from, then the all-members page is really useful. That use-case gets
even more prominent for classes that implement interfaces and/or that have
multiply inherited (e.g. QLabel's indirect inheritance from QPaintDevice).
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