On 13/02/2019 05.06, Simon Hausmann wrote:
> We briefly discussed the topic and it's my understanding that an agreement 
> exists to support two types of builds:
>     (1) Build a repo, install it, build the next repo, install it, etc.
>     (2) Have a super-project that allows building all of Qt with one call to 
> "cmake", a call to "cmake --build" and finally "$maketool install".
> The latter has not been "developed" yet but I think it's necessary to allow 
> for a convenient transition for the users of Qt.

For (2), you might want to consider a "superbuild", i.e. a separate
CMake project that just builds a bunch of external projects¹, each of
which is a Qt module.

Some advantages over a simple script or Makefile are that users can
select what modules they want, and you could probably set it up so that
users can choose what version of Qt they want to build (e.g. LTS, latest
release, dev, ...).

The major disadvantage of "superbuilds" is they tend to be not-great for
people actually hacking on the code.

(¹ https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/module/ExternalProject.html)

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