On 18 Mar 2019, at 07:49, Uwe Rathmann 
<uwe.rathm...@tigertal.de<mailto:uwe.rathm...@tigertal.de>> wrote:


thanks for the all the hints in this thread - I will check them if I
can't find a service, that is more specific:


The very first of my problems is to know about the platforms I need to
test. I guess the list of all operating system and compiler combinations
can be found somewhere in the Qt docs, but considering, that only on
"Linux" you have to consider gcc/icc/clang - for gcc only you have
v4/5/6/7/8 ...


Furthermore a project like Qwt supports all Qt versions >= 4.4. Even,
when limiting the tests to a set of relevant versions - let's say
4.8/5.6/5.9/5.12 - complexity grows significantly.


My guess is that setting up all the build environments for a) is what has
been solved with Coin. Actually I'm not interested in "continous" - it
would be good enough to compile all my stuff once in a while ?


Hi Uwe,

Great that you are considering adopting CI for Qwt.

Since you already know Linux/gcc, start from there and see what additional 
platforms and configurations you should add to increase your confidence that 
changes didn’t break anyone’s day. In the end, that’s the goal. Don’t start 
with shooting for 100% - there is no such thing anyway (your tests will cover 
those cases that you could think about when you wrote them, and there’ll always 
be more to learn).

Sometimes, it’s better to accept the risk that some unusual stuff breaks, as 
long as you (or the people impacted) can fix it quickly, than to try and build 
an overly complex CI monster that tries to cover all the corners but doens’t 
give you fast feedback loops, and is harder to maintain than the code it’s 
supposed to test.

In Coin, the setting up of environments is mostly done with provisioning 
scripts, and you can find those in qt5.git/coin. They are somewhat messy, and 
not easily adopted to other projects though.

To make management of environments easier and test provisioning scripts, I’m 
using vagrant (vagrantup.com<http://vagrantup.com>), which I drilled up quite a 
bit to consume provisioning mechanisms from a lot of different places. Perhaps 
you can use that to play around locally and to identify how your environments 
need to be configured, and then add the configurations that give you the most 
bang for the buck to a hosted CI pipeline.


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