> It's good that Bernhard has received an official statement.

I agree! Thank you!

> In general, I think the Qt Company could make a little more effort to
> communicate such decisions, educate its user community, and attract new
> potential maintainers. Actually, communication should start before a problem
> results in a decision. Isn't that an important aspect of community building?

Agreed as well.

Assuming that Qt Xml is deprecated as well (still not sure) this is the fourth 
time a
deprecated component tears major holes in my applications. Regarding Qt Xml and 
Qt Xml
Patterns it surprises me a lot since I consider them essential components. I 
will use the
stream classes under no circumstances. This means in my book Qt does not 
support one of
the most important techniques (XML) anymore. Hard to believe.

Obviously "no maintainer" is enough for a deprecation. This means (at least for 
new code)
there is no significant difference (only a delay) between "no maintainer" and
Thiagos criteria sounded ok but obviously they are not valid anymore. 

Qt must to be in a very strong market position if such a strategy is accepted.

Best Regards
Bernhard Lindner

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