On 26/02/2020 09.10, Oliver Wolff wrote:
> For me the emit has value. It's just an annotation, but for me it
> serves a purpose. I can see that this is a signal emission and even
> if people keep arguing that this is pointless it serves a purpose to
> me. "Look here a signal is emitted, so that other parts who are
> interested in this information might react". For me that's important
> information when reading code (be it while coding or in code 
> reviews).

Another point that I don't think has been mentioned... however much you
want to argue about functions being able to do anything, the fact
remains that signals/slots are distinct enough from simply calling
functions as to be noteworthy... and an annotation makes it dead simple
to *find* every place where *any* signal is being emitted.

Take away the annotation, and you have to search for individual signals.

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