> -----Original Message-----
> From: Arno Rehn <a.r...@menlosystems.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2023 4:13 PM
> To: EXT Mitch Curtis <mitch.cur...@qt.io>; Qt development mailing list
> <development@qt-project.org>
> Subject: Re: [Development] Behavior-changing bugfixes in patch-level releases
> Hi Mitch,
> On 12.07.2023 09:52, EXT Mitch Curtis wrote:
> >> Context: We have been hit by
> >> https://codereview.qt-project.org/c/qt/qtdeclarative/+/472596
> >> (which is even marked as "Important Behavior Change") ending up only
> >> in 6.5.1. It was quite the headache figuring out that 6.5.0 ->
> >> 6.5.1 has broken part of our ListViews.
> >
> > I'm sorry to hear that.
> >
> > As the developer who approved the change, I've left my thoughts
> > here:
> >
> > https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-
> 114166?focusedId=734562&page=com
> > .atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:comment-tabpanel#comment-
> > 734562
> >
> >  In summary, I believe the official branch policy was followed here.
> >
> > I'm not sure if your use case is the same as the snippet in the bug
> > report, so it would be useful if you could share it so that we can see
> > if there's a legitimate usage that we've broken. That's not to say
> > that it's good to introduce regressions, of course, but often it's
> > hard to know how users are using APIs and we often only find out after
> > the change has been merged, because auto tests can't cover every use
> > case for the same reason.
> We have a vertical ListView which shows icon-only buttons. The buttons all
> have the same width, but depending on the icon size and/or the style, that
> width may differ. So we update the contentWidth of the ListView as soon as
> the first button is loaded. Something like this:
> ListView {
>      id: sidebar
>      Layout.fillHeight: true
>      implicitWidth: contentWidth
>      model: // ...
>      delegate: IconButton {
>          icon.name: // ...
>          onImplicitWidthChanged: if (sidebar.contentWidth < 0) {
>                                      sidebar.contentWidth = implicitWidth
>                                  }
>      }
> }
> Maybe we're doing this wrong; but I didn't find any other viable way to have a
> ListView auto-determine the size in the non-scrollable dimension based on its
> content.

I'd recommend setting a size on the ListView that doesn't depend on the 
implicit size of the delegates; one that is calculated with TextMetrics, for 
example. The reason for this is that it's not always possible to know the size 
of every delegate at startup. While scrolling a view, delegates that are larger 
or smaller might be loaded.

To use a more recent example where this problem had to be solved, 

    "When a new column is flicked into view, TableView will determine its width 
by calling the columnWidthProvider. If set, this function will alone decide the 
width of the column. Otherwise, it will check if an explicit width has been set 
with setColumnWidth(). If not, implicitColumnWidth() will be used. The implicit 
width of a column is the same as the largest implicit width found among the 
currently loaded delegate items in that column. Trying to set an explicit width 
directly on a delegate has no effect, and will be ignored and overwritten. The 
same logic also applies to row heights."

Note the part that says:

    "The implicit width of a column is the same as the largest implicit width 
found among the currently loaded delegate items in that column."

There's also a note below:

    "Note: The resolved width of a column is discarded when the whole column is 
flicked out of the view, and is recalculated again if it's flicked back in. 
This means that if the width depends on the implicitColumnWidth(), the 
calculation can be different each time, depending on which row you're at when 
the column enters (since implicitColumnWidth() only considers the delegate 
items that are currently loaded). To avoid this, you should use a 
columnWidthProvider, or ensure that all the delegate items in the same column 
have the same implicitWidth."

This is also described in e.g. https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-76830, and 
documented in 
 The cacheBuffer workaround mentioned there may help but is not a complete 

From testing locally with a runnable adaptation of your example, I get a 
ListView whose width is 12:

    import QtQuick
    import QtQuick.Controls
    import QtQuick.Layouts

    ApplicationWindow {
        visible: true
        width: 800
        height: 600
        title: "width: " + sidebar.width

        ColumnLayout {
            width: 200
            height: parent.height

            Label {
                text: "Some extra stuff here"

            ListView {
                id: sidebar
                implicitWidth: contentWidth
    //            clip: true

                Layout.fillHeight: true

                model: 100

                delegate: ItemDelegate {
                    text: "ItemDelegate" + modelData
    //                width: sidebar.width
                    onImplicitWidthChanged: if (sidebar.contentWidth < 0) {
                        sidebar.contentWidth = implicitWidth

This is because the first non-zero implicit width of the delegate is probably 
only taking into account the horizontal padding, and the actual text implicit 
width comes shortly afterwards. Your actual example might be different (and I'm 
curious how it works), but without the complete code we'll continue with 
ItemDelegate as an example. Two other issues here are that enabling clipping 
will make the ListView clipped to 12 pixels wide, and setting an explicit width 
on each delegate (to ensure that the interactive area for each delegate is 
consistent) will consequently also result in them being 12 pixels wide.

You can instead keep track of the maximum, but it will still result in the 
width of the view changing as it is scrolled, which isn't desirable:

    import QtQuick
    import QtQuick.Controls
    import QtQuick.Layouts

    ApplicationWindow {
        visible: true
        width: 800
        height: 600
        title: "width: " + sidebar.width

        ColumnLayout {
            width: 200
            height: parent.height

            Label {
                text: "Some extra stuff here"

            ListView {
                id: sidebar
                implicitWidth: contentWidth
                clip: true

                Layout.fillHeight: true

                model: 1000

                delegate: ItemDelegate {
                    text: "ItemDelegate" + modelData
                    width: sidebar.width
                    onImplicitWidthChanged: {
                        if (implicitWidth > sidebar.contentWidth)
                            sidebar.contentWidth = implicitWidth

Using contentItem.childrenRect.width for the view's size has the same problem. 
In addition, it won't allow you to make the delegates fill the width of the 
view, perhaps due to the childrenRect relying on size of the delegates, which 
itself is bound to the view.

    import QtQuick
    import QtQuick.Controls
    import QtQuick.Layouts

    ApplicationWindow {
        visible: true
        width: 800
        height: 600
        title: "width: " + sidebar.width

        ColumnLayout {
            width: 200
            height: parent.height

            Label {
                text: "Some extra stuff here"

            ListView {
                id: sidebar
                implicitWidth: contentItem.childrenRect.width
                clip: true

                Layout.fillHeight: true

                model: 100

                delegate: ItemDelegate {
                    text: "ItemDelegate" + modelData

Using the first item is also not going to be sufficient, because it might not 
be the widest item:

    import QtQuick
    import QtQuick.Controls
    import QtQuick.Layouts

    ApplicationWindow {
        visible: true
        width: 800
        height: 600
        title: "width: " + sidebar.width

        ColumnLayout {
            width: 200
            height: parent.height

            Label {
                text: "Some extra stuff here"

            ListView {
                id: sidebar
                implicitWidth: sidebar.contentItem.children[0].implicitWidth
                clip: true

                Layout.fillHeight: true

                model: 100

                delegate: ItemDelegate {
                    text: "ItemDelegate" + modelData
                    width: sidebar.width

The most foolproof solution is to load each item to find the largest one. This 
can be very expensive for large models, however. This approach was used for 
fixing https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-78281, and resulted in 

Another approach which I think would be relevant here is LayoutGroup: 
https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-44078. This would delegate the 
responsibility of finding the largest implicit size to the LayoutGroup type, 
and then delegates could simply set their width to the implicitWidth property 
of LayoutGroup. This needs more research to see if it will work.

So, this is definitely an area that could be improved, but the simplest and 
most performant solution will always be to set a pre-calculated size on the 

> --
> Arno Rehn
> Tel +49 89 189 166 0
> Fax +49 89 189 166 111
> a.r...@menlosystems.com
> www.menlosystems.com
> Menlo Systems GmbH
> Bunsenstrasse 5, D-82152 Martinsried, Germany Amtsgericht München HRB
> 138145
> Geschäftsführung: Dr. Michael Mei, Dr. Ronald Holzwarth USt.-IdNr.
> DE217772017, St.-Nr. 14316170324

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