On Wednesday, 13. May 2009 10:24:52 Daniel Cheng wrote:
> In fms, you can always adjust the MinLocalMessageTrust to get whatever
> message you please to read.  ------ ya, you may call it censorship..
> but it is the one every reader can opt-out with 2 clicks. ------- Even
> if majority abuse the system, the poster can always post, the reader
> may know who is being censored and adjust accordingly .

As long as I can just disable the censorship (and I'm aware tha it exists) I 
don't care about it. Noone has the right to make me listen, but also I don't 
have the right to prevent someone from speaking. 

Luckily the itnernet allows us to join these two goals: You can speak, but 
maybe noone will hear you. 

Important here is, that there must not be a way to check if I join in the 
censorship, else people can create social pressure. 

I don't really use FMS yet, so I need to ask: is there a way to check that? If 
yes: How can we get rid of it? 

Best wishes, 

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