On Wednesday, 13. May 2009 15:03:13 Matthew Toseland wrote:
> Perhaps some form of feedback/ultimatum system? Users who are affected by
> spam from an identity can send proof that the identity is a spammer to the
> users they trust who trust that identity. If the proof is valid, those who
> trust the identity can downgrade him within a reasonable period; if they
> don't do this they get downgraded themselves?

I remember another alternative which was proposed (and implemented) for 
Gnutella (but LimeWire chose not to merge the code for unknown reasons): 

Voting not on users but on messages (objects): 

- Main site: http://credence-p2p.org
- Papers: http://credence-p2p.org/paper.html
- Overview: http://credence-p2p.org/overview.html

I tested it back then and it worked quite well. 

You could have two different settings: "ignore messages marked as spam" and 
"only see messages marked as good". 

They had the same problem of people not voting on "spam/not spam", but on "I 
like it / I hate it", and their solution was a differenciated voting 

It's implemented in Java, but the GUI ties into LimeWire. The core is mostly 
independent, though (iirc). 

It only depends on a limit on account creation: creating massive amounts of 
accounts (who are alowed to vote) can break the system. 

This limit could be realized by only allowing people with a minimum message 
count to vote. 

I don't know if it can perfectly be ported to freenet, but it should be worth 
a look - also it's GPL licensed. 

Best wishes, 

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