Am Dienstag, 26. Januar 2010 21:34:47 schrieb Clément Vollet:
> last one is six months old); and by news, I don't mean a news about a
> switch of server like I suggested above, but news about the life of the
> project (development, new plugins, tech stuff, etc.). Maybe the users
> won't understand all of that, but that's ok, it means the project is still
> alive (and don't expect users to read the ml ;).

Maybe you could do something like the Month of the Hurd, I write for the Hurd 


Its quite painless (about 1 to 2 hours per month) and doesn't require superb 
writing skills or similar, since I can just use a template I wrote to not have 
to think about structure every month: 

A month of the Hurd: **, ** and **.

> This month …
> Also …
> Mainly thanks to …
> Additionally …
> And …

Since then, the Hurd seems to slowly shed its image of "never being finished". 
My principle on what I write in the news is 

- “This is what we accomplished this month” and 
- “only write about stuff people can check (for example in a code repository) - 
and provide a link”. 

I hope this idea helps getting “a month of freenet” or similar going. 

Best wishes, 

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 
   - singing a part of the history of free software -

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