
I have been idling  on the IRC channel for quite some time now. The
response from freenet is really good.

For my GSoC application I have been working on a proposal for the
transport plugin. Although the response from freenet is "this is a
very hard project", I have tried my best to understand the codebase of
freenet and the exact purpose of this project. In particular I have
spoken to Arnebab, toad_ and nextgens regarding this assignment and
from them have gained a good insight on what needs to be done.

Based on their information and some research on the project this is my
present standing. Some of it might still be incorrect.

Firstly Freenet presently runs extensively on UDP based sockets. The
communication happens at several layers and with different mechanisms
i.e sockets, streams, reliable packets, UDP, so on... The major
problem is that the code has been integrated very tightly. For e.g.
NodeCrypto class uses only UDPSocketHandler for communication. So this
means that the data cryptography and communication at the transport
layer (using UDP in this case) are grouped very tightly.

This means that a major refactoring of the code is needed. This task
is supposed to be the hard part (where prior freenet experience is
Changes will definitely encompass refactoring - Node, NodeCrpyto,
UdpSocketHandler and other related dependencies.
For this I plan to do a very thorough research and practice on the
core functionality of freenet way before the coding period begins, so
I know the exact task at hand.
I ll obviously be at the mercy of the community.

On the other hand a lot of work has been completed. For eg.
implementations of OutgoingPacketMangler and IncomingPacketFIlter
allow packets defined for any transport protocol. This is also
mentioned here - "Last year's work on new packet format should really
help although some transports (really small packets e.g. pretending to
be Skype) will still need to do their own splitting/reassembly (this
should probably happen within the node too, although it should be
possible to turn it off). "
Streams have better support: https://bugs.freenetproject.org/view.php?id=2214

Secondly once this is achieved, UDP will become an individual
transport plugin and similarly the framework will support users to
write their own transport plugin. Now this means the cryptography and
packet modifications are done in a different level, and hence the
developer need not bother about them. As part of the GSoC project I
will be required to make this change and also in the process develop
TCP transport plugin.
Here I think I am more comfortable, and I think my existing knowledge
of sockets should get me through.

Thirdly, some other objectives as toad_ mentioned as important,
include ways to deal with having multiple connections open to the same
peer at the same time. Presently haven't thought about this, and don't
know that much about freenet for the exact need for this.

And apart from this (some confusion regarding this) is implementation
of other application level protocols like HTTP, VoIP and so on. Now
this can "become" easy if protocols like TCP are enabled. Also as
mentioned in the project page is the ability for communications to
pretend to be of other protocols. Again I believe it means that an
example plugin needs to be developed.
This part of the project would spill outside the deadline but it can
get direct contribution from the community.

The application period has now started, so I ll be turning in mine.
But I was hoping I could clarify a few things.

I know this is beyond what can be finished in three months. *Please
give me your opinion on this proposal and what I should do. *

Also as nextgens mentioned, this project would be very hard for me, I
would like to know if I should continue researching more or probably
give something else a shot. I still have a week to go either way. But
I am aware this requires a lot of effort and knowledge and I am ready
for that. For now I will try and fix a bug.

Thank you

PS: Comments, including "you don't know shit" or "go watch TV" are welcome :)
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