Also I don't think anyone has agreed to mentor this project. Can
somebody let me know if there is a mentor?


On Tue, Mar 27, 2012 at 4:46 PM, Chetan Hosmani
<> wrote:
> Thanks for the advice, I think I will find this very necessary if I
> get to work on it. It will speed up the process too.
> On Tue, Mar 27, 2012 at 3:10 PM, Ximin Luo <> wrote:
>> One word of advice: if you find the code hard to understand, it is not
>> necessarily your fault. IMO the codebase is messy atm. If you have trouble 
>> with
>> any file, use "git log <path/to/file>" to find the previous people that 
>> worked
>> on it and go bug them to explain it to you in more human terms. They deserve 
>> it :p
>> X
>> On 27/03/12 10:21, Chetan Hosmani wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I have been idling  on the IRC channel for quite some time now. The
>>> response from freenet is really good.
>>> For my GSoC application I have been working on a proposal for the
>>> transport plugin. Although the response from freenet is "this is a
>>> very hard project", I have tried my best to understand the codebase of
>>> freenet and the exact purpose of this project. In particular I have
>>> spoken to Arnebab, toad_ and nextgens regarding this assignment and
>>> from them have gained a good insight on what needs to be done.
>>> Based on their information and some research on the project this is my
>>> present standing. Some of it might still be incorrect.
>>> Firstly Freenet presently runs extensively on UDP based sockets. The
>>> communication happens at several layers and with different mechanisms
>>> i.e sockets, streams, reliable packets, UDP, so on... The major
>>> problem is that the code has been integrated very tightly. For e.g.
>>> NodeCrypto class uses only UDPSocketHandler for communication. So this
>>> means that the data cryptography and communication at the transport
>>> layer (using UDP in this case) are grouped very tightly.
>>> This means that a major refactoring of the code is needed. This task
>>> is supposed to be the hard part (where prior freenet experience is
>>> needed).
>>> Changes will definitely encompass refactoring - Node, NodeCrpyto,
>>> UdpSocketHandler and other related dependencies.
>>> For this I plan to do a very thorough research and practice on the
>>> core functionality of freenet way before the coding period begins, so
>>> I know the exact task at hand.
>>> I ll obviously be at the mercy of the community.
>>> On the other hand a lot of work has been completed. For eg.
>>> implementations of OutgoingPacketMangler and IncomingPacketFIlter
>>> allow packets defined for any transport protocol. This is also
>>> mentioned here - "Last year's work on new packet format should really
>>> help although some transports (really small packets e.g. pretending to
>>> be Skype) will still need to do their own splitting/reassembly (this
>>> should probably happen within the node too, although it should be
>>> possible to turn it off). "
>>> Streams have better support: 
>>> Secondly once this is achieved, UDP will become an individual
>>> transport plugin and similarly the framework will support users to
>>> write their own transport plugin. Now this means the cryptography and
>>> packet modifications are done in a different level, and hence the
>>> developer need not bother about them. As part of the GSoC project I
>>> will be required to make this change and also in the process develop
>>> TCP transport plugin.
>>> Here I think I am more comfortable, and I think my existing knowledge
>>> of sockets should get me through.
>>> Thirdly, some other objectives as toad_ mentioned as important,
>>> include ways to deal with having multiple connections open to the same
>>> peer at the same time. Presently haven't thought about this, and don't
>>> know that much about freenet for the exact need for this.
>>> And apart from this (some confusion regarding this) is implementation
>>> of other application level protocols like HTTP, VoIP and so on. Now
>>> this can "become" easy if protocols like TCP are enabled. Also as
>>> mentioned in the project page is the ability for communications to
>>> pretend to be of other protocols. Again I believe it means that an
>>> example plugin needs to be developed.
>>> This part of the project would spill outside the deadline but it can
>>> get direct contribution from the community.
>>> The application period has now started, so I ll be turning in mine.
>>> But I was hoping I could clarify a few things.
>>> I know this is beyond what can be finished in three months. *Please
>>> give me your opinion on this proposal and what I should do. *
>>> Also as nextgens mentioned, this project would be very hard for me, I
>>> would like to know if I should continue researching more or probably
>>> give something else a shot. I still have a week to go either way. But
>>> I am aware this requires a lot of effort and knowledge and I am ready
>>> for that. For now I will try and fix a bug.
>>> Thank you
>>> PS: Comments, including "you don't know shit" or "go watch TV" are welcome 
>>> :)
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