I answered offlist.

(english translation of the commandline freenet seednode setup from the 
libertyserver page)
Download and Installation of the Software
    wget 'https://freenetproject.org/jnlp/freenet_installer.jar' -O 
    java -jar new_installer.jar -console # -console activates installation 
without X11
    # (follow the prompts)
    # info: https://freenetproject.org/download.html
    # The node is controlled by ./run.sh
    ./run.sh # { console | start | stop | restart | status | dump }

Setup a Seed-Node
    # follow the wizard for basic setup: 
    # - low security
    # - next
    # - 20 GiB -> next
    # - no monthly limit -> custom limit: 100KiB, 100KiB -> next
    # - lynx forwards to the wizard again, Firefox to the Freenet startpage. 
Just exit.
    # read opennet port, forward for incoming UDP
    # be a seednode: click, select true -> apply
    # IP address override: (dynamic) DNS addres / hostname. Only necessary if 
you don't have a static IP. See http://freedns.afraid.org
    # myref.fref an devl@freenetproject.org schicken, Subject: “New seed node: 
<Your Name>”

Once freenet developers add the seednode to the list of seeds, you're a 
seednode. This might take a while (till the next release).
Accessing the Freenet interface from another computer is easierst by forwarding 
th ports via SSH:
    ssh -NL 8888:localhost:8888  -L 9481:localhost:9481 -L 4025:localhost:4025 
-L 4143:localhost:4143 <server>

    - 8888: Web-Interface
    - 9481: Freenet Client Protocol ( http://wiki.freenetproject.org/FCPv2 ) - 
the interface for tools like pyFreenet: http://github.com/freenet/pyFreenet
    - 4025: SMTP (provided by the freemail plugin with the WebOfTrust plugin)
    - 4143: IMAP (provided by the freemail plugin with the WebOfTrust plugin)

Am Freitag, 16. Oktober 2015, 10:46:20 schrieb Hostmaster:
> Hi folks,
> the only reason i came to this mailinglist ist that we plan to setup a
> seed node in germany. a 30min attempt to find any useful information how
> setup one failed. i found only a hint which did suggest to attend to
> this list. voila, here i am.
> we are a nonprofit complete sponsored by individuals it-project which
> helps other nonprofits to push their projects. we providing already free
> dns (when turkey did ban twitter and youtube) and several coll.tools for
> suppressed political groups and projects in the pirate party of germany.
> we believe in freedom of speech and human rights.
> back to techtalk
> we are willing to setup a seed node.
> what do we need? where do we find the packages? does a rep for ubuntu or
> debian exist? github?
> what about configuration? any documentation?
> best would be a sophisticated howto. are there any?
> we got several machines with static ips, redundant 10g connectivity and
> monitoring staff. ;)
> any help/information/whatsofuckinever is welcome. :D
> best regards
> Simon
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> Devl mailing list
> Devl@freenetproject.org
> https://emu.freenetproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/devl

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- http://infinite-hands.draketo.de

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