On Friday 30 July 2010 17:02:35 Cory Nelson wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 30, 2010 at 7:29 AM, Matthew Toseland
> <toad at amphibian.dyndns.org> wrote:
> > Freenet encrypts temp files with a random key, which for non-persistent 
> > temp files is kept in RAM, and for persistent temp files is kept in the 
> > client layer database, which is itself encrypted.
> >
> > The encryption of the client layer database is less than perfect. We can 
> > fix this fairly easily, but we will need to re-encrypt node.db4o, and we 
> > will probably want to have a new key for each file (there will be multiple 
> > files as soon as I implement auto-backup of node.db4o).
> >
> > If the user sets a high physical seclevel (with a strong password), the 
> > default option for downloads is to download to encrypted temporary space. 
> > For HTML, this is probably safe - the browser will not cache the data and 
> > will hopefully keep it in disk. But for anything that needs to be opened in 
> > an external player, and possibly for media files in general, this doesn't 
> > help much.
> >
> > Worse, none of this matters if swap is enabled and not encrypted.
> >
> > So we have two options really:
> >
> > 1. Offer to turn on encrypted swap in the installer. Keep encrypting 
> > everything. Warn users about saving files out, and media files, and work 
> > towards playing media files in an embedded (e.g. java) player that doesn't 
> > use plaintext temp files.
> > 2. Give up on encrypting anything on disk, and offer to install TrueCrypt 
> > if it isn't already installed.
> 3. Distribute a secured Linux VirtualBox image that uses full-disk encryption.
> > IMHO it is important that Freenet works out of the box, and works 
> > reasonably securely. Arguably it should be possible to install without 
> > administrative rights. But swap files are an unavoidable problem - anything 
> > involving keys in RAM is breakable as long as that ram gets stored to disk.
> I know that at least Windows lets you lock pages in RAM.  Maybe Java
> has a launch option that does this?  Even better would be to use large
> pages, which are more efficient (lowers overhead and TLB cache misses)
> and are also locked in RAM.

No, not practical given java is garbage collected, and not supported anyway 
afaik. Unless maybe some recent nio change?
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