Created a stand-in Wiki page. You'll be able to track all of my progress
from here.

On Sun, Dec 25, 2011 at 12:46 PM, Michael Grube <michael.grube at>wrote:

> Tried creating a Wiki Page, had the same problem Ian described.
> On Sun, Dec 25, 2011 at 11:38 AM, Michael Grube <michael.grube at 
>> Ian,
>> I've actually made a commitment to do this and will have to complete this
>> task to graduate from college ;)
>> That means I'll be done before May and will start in about 2 weeks. Of
>> course I can start sooner than that, but something else is gripping my
>> attention at the moment.
>> Mike
>> On Dec 25, 2011 3:21 AM, "Ian Clarke" <ian at> wrote:
>>> What is the latest status of addressing the "Pitch Black" attack
>>> described here: ?
>>> I understand that the basic idea is to counteract the clustering by
>>> periodically randomizing node locations, and Oskar's refinement to
>>> this is to pick a key randomly, route for it with a special query that
>>> returns the nearest node identifier to the key found. If the closest
>>> you can get is much further than your distance to your neighbors, give
>>> up your current position for the random one.
>>> Is this the latest thinking on this?  There was talk of working on a
>>> paper which describes this solution and validates it.  Is anyone doing
>>> this?  Is anyone interested in doing this?  Unfortunately at the
>>> moment the attack remains unanswered in the academic literature, and
>>> it has already caused at least one of our papers to be rejected.
>>> Ian.
>>> --
>>> Ian Clarke
>>> Founder, The Freenet Project
>>> Email: ian at
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