On Sat, Feb 12, 2011 at 8:32 PM, Matthew Toseland <toad at amphibian.dyndns.org
> wrote:

> I wonder if we could build a usable sandbox based on Unhosted principles,
> i.e. an app can download and upload data specific to its user, and can talk
> to other users. We could even provide a confirmation mechanism per-user for
> more paranoid users, which could smoothly integrate into the app's UI if we
> are really good, including CAPTCHA-based introductions ... hmmmm, there
> could be something in this ... might need API changes though, how do you
> deal with introductions now?

Unhosted only defines that you use 'some' discovery mechanism to find 'some'
user-specific web service. The two user-specific web services we have
defined so far, are a per-user key-value store, in which anyone who the
key-name is able to read its value, and per-user message queues, in which
anyone is able to send a message to anyone.

Each application can then decide to implement its own concept of friendship
and introductions, and not display any messages from strangers.

> Such principles may be valuable to Freenet even if we have to break
> compatibility with Unhosted... Thoughts?

Right now, we only have one resource discovery mechanism, and that is based
on email addresses. So one big difference between unhosted and freenet right
there is that all data is per-user. There has been talk about
content-addressable resources, for instance for supporting the DHT of
Seeks-project, but it is as yet hard to oversee freeloading problems that
this could bring.

I think we should be very aware of what we're trying to achieve when we
consider combining unhosted and freenet. I think that would be doing freenet
in the browser, right? I heard of the Veiled project which tried to do
(something like) this two years ago, but it seems that HP have taken down
the link?

Does anyone know what happened there? What issues did they encounter? We
might learn a lot from them there. We could find out, and see if we can
resume or redo that project, maybe.

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