
I have done some work on the infrastructure behind the website recently;
Here is a highlight of the changes:

1) new workflow: the staging website is back
- pushes to 
https://github.com/freenet/website/tree/2016-redesign get deployed by
travis (https://travis-ci.org/freenet/website) on
- tags get deployed live through the same process on

workflow-wise, it's very similar to what we used to have (except
previously it was two branches)... we could always revert back to
master/next if someone can come up with the magic git incantations

2) HTTP headers are now set like they were
We are now setting a bunch of security headers on top of the cache
headers. I have decided that maintaining the cache attributes on the S3
objects wasn't a good way of dealing with it going forward... so now
there is a lambda function that hooks onto "origin requests" and decides
what headers to set depending on the path of the file requested. I will
commit it to the repository shortly.

In practice, that currently means that we cache content (both browser-
side and on the CDN) only in production, 500 seconds for HTML and 90
days for everything else. The toolkit we use (webassets) makes it easy
to generate content-dependent URLs that will invalidate the cache when

3) l10n
I have now re-enabled l10n (french only so far) and coded another lambda
function to auto-select the right translation based on the request from
the user (it parses the Accept-Language header). It works for me and I
think that we could get rid of the UI components of it.

The next step should be updating/removing/curing the actual content,
then we can ask translators to update their translations and re-enable
them. Do we have a native English speaker who can volunteer for this?


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