I installed successfully on Linux with Java 17.

Default datastore size was 100 GiB indeed. On a side note, it would be great to 
be able to define a custom value without having to live-edit the page with web 
dev tools, like it is possible for bandwidth settings.

Default upload speed was 32 KiB/s. Default number of threads was 1000.

All default bookmarks worked.

Thanks for all the continued work :)

On Sun, Apr 3, 2022, at 01:09, Dr. Arne Bab. wrote:
> Thanks to TheSeeker for the review!
> We found an error in dependencies.properties: wrapper-linux-ppc-64 had 
> the wrong CHK key. This should not have any effect on any other 
> platform, but better safe than sorry.
> Updated jars and installers: 
> https://github.com/freenet/fred/releases/tag/build01493
> CHK@guwY9~yFAK-54jJFfvnCiSUShtHKDbWBdNXRRZmSeYc,N9kLHcWeKD1RzvuqEC8MvpDuBX6pH4PxwQlgc1P-5xM,AAMC--8/freenet-build01493.jar
> CHK@IWmuNY6SuaWE-fn86YO~pqlDrVcDjADZ0T6Ew-ZL9MA,AKpxdi2Bm9BQu1Fs1hMoagn3vdeB1IGub~nX5BQMUhY,AAMC--8/freenet-build01493.jar.sig
> CHK@07dc2TkhlpuQBJV2WEK1z2SAycEiv07zbtZC9A4keQs,34RYMOAnxxIkGAyLIfC8qNoSNuZpPRjWtvS68aZ5rbQ,AAMC--8/FreenetInstaller-1493.exe
> CHK@4qXfy7qBJ-UGWJ51Jpfd2A5xlU0wPBVOR6dUiomrilU,uQh6xGyUJwlDZSec-LYTmuqf7g7p2e2fvXJuevq4o~E,AAMC--8/FreenetInstaller-1493.exe.sig
> CHK@AufV75DZTW2wMIcQ5u0VsWXqiLguMOHK4jnpuhnmjU8,ZMJcjmuUlLO6ojpsGjjTTbbBjw~Q~TzmelbWxf0beEc,AAMC--8/new_installer_offline_1493.jar
> CHK@nqIPBJMvPyocdir3Kky7bF3sBKDWj-DOFe4kmxfju-c,BMOAEJRVRhXx81B~-wd~h~geiS-HQrZmLe6rFM6ClHY,AAMC--8/new_installer_offline_1493.jar.sig
> CHK@Gxxk-ycyO~k8Cg62~9B1LHyZlzFoGouIuf5uE1THXrQ,31RDTUGUeJ8dXgAM8Q3ZAdlRJHvia9KbxrYRoYpEbVU,AAMC--8/freenet-build01493-source.tar.bz2
> There’s also a new testing update key:
> USK@BrNh~RNzsl3zQueAH0Ed8bgF88kZHa4AH64RNKjsCU4,~hvYp2qtiUUXk4r2AuwMbiNvLiBcPhl9Nt4lsrvaYn8,AQACAAE/jar/1492
> The inserts to the testing key are running right now. Please give it a
> go! Since this is a tiny change compared to the test release from last
> weekend, I plan to release when I get one positive report for:
> - auto update on windows
> - auto update on GNU/Linux
> - installer on windows
> - installer on GNU/Linux
> (just to make sure nothing "theoretically impossible" broke).
> Also please comment on the release notes; I plan to re-use these for the
> announcement on the website:
> ------ Draft for Announcement ------
> Freenet 0.7.5 build 1493 is now available. [overview]
> This build provides four core improvements:
> 1. Curated default bookmarks,
>    including an actively maintained index and Shoeshop for sneakernet
> 2. Better peer scaling for very fast nodes 
> 3. Updated defaults to adapt to the higher capacities of modern systems
> 4. Compatibility with Java 17, first in the installers, with the
>    following update for all nodes
> The curated default bookmarks provide a much better first-start 
> experience. Previously new users saw mostly outdated sites in 
> inactive indexes.
> Adding Shoeshop to enable sneakernet which can connect separate 
> Freenet networks even if no internet connection can be established 
> now provides all the tools for selfpublishing, not only in the 
> style of publishing an online blog (which is already easy with 
> Sharesite) or sending a file to an independent printer, but in the 
> much more self-reliant style, resourcefulness and rebellious spirit 
> of classical samizdat.
> Adjusted peer-scaling fixes a conceptual problem: Fast nodes could 
> not utilize their bandwidth well enough, because the previous 
> peer-scaling did not take the aggregated bandwidth limit of the 
> peers into account. Now very fast nodes have linearly scaling 
> peer-counts to make it more likely that the capacity of their peers 
> added together matches the capacity of the fast node. The absolute 
> upper limits stay in place, because they are needed to preserve 
> privacy. There are also no changes to the peer-scaling of slower 
> nodes.
> The fixed scaling should improve the performance of the whole 
> network because it avoids creating artificial bottlenecks.
> Changes to the defaults are a doubled thread limit of newly 
> installed nodes (increased from 500 to 1000), with the stack size 
> per thread reduced by half to avoid higher memory consumption, the 
> datastore size is increased from 20GiB to 100GiB, because SSDs are 
> much faster and more resilient than before, and the default 
> bandwidth to offer if the actual speed cannot be found is doubled 
> to 32KiB/s.
> These newer defaults should also improve the first-time user 
> experience.
> Compatibility with Java 17 took longer than we hoped, because it 
> required deploying a newer wrapper and changes to the classpath. 
> This makes it easier to support packages for modern Linux, and it 
> should avoid losing nodes when Java updates itself (starting from 
> the next update this also applies to existing nodes; we have to 
> deploy the update code in 1493 so it can run during the update to 
> 1494).
> All together these changes should improve the user experience for 
> new people, give sneakernet the visibility it deserves, and 
> increase the performance of the network as a whole.
> And last, but definitely not least, our translation team at 
> transifex updated enough of the the German, Persian, Finnish, 
> Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian, and Swedish 
> texts in Freenet that we can ship the new versions. Thank you 
> very much!
> That Freenet can keep moving forward and help people worldwide to 
> exercise their basic rights and freedoms is the work of amazing 
> volunteers, both contributors and people running Freenet nodes. 
> Thank you for your contributions, and thank you for using Freenet!
> - AB
> ------ / Draft for Announcement ------
> Best wishes,
> AB
> -- 
> Unpolitisch sein
> heißt politisch sein,
> ohne es zu merken.
> draketo.de
> Attachments:
> * signature.asc

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