Dear Freenet users and developers,

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to inform you of an
important change that the Freenet Project board voted on unanimously
on Friday. After much discussion over the past 18 months, we have decided
to rename the codebase and software known internally as "Fred," to "Freenet

In addition, we are announcing that the new codebase, known internally as
"Locutus," will be renamed to "Freenet." We understand that this is a big
change and it carries risk, but the board believes that this risk is
necessary in order to further the project's mission.

It is important to note that this change does *not* mean that Locutus is
replacing Fred, which solves related but different problems. We will ensure
that where Fred is the appropriate tool for people they will be directed to
it. will remain focused on Fred while linking to
Locutus - as it has been for over two decades - while will
place more emphasis on Locutus, while still linking to Fred.

We will be implementing these changes over the coming days and weeks and
would be grateful for your ideas and suggestions on how best to do this.

Thank you,


Ian Clarke
Founder, The Freenet Project

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