On Mon, Jun 25, 2012 at 10:51 AM, Anca Luca <lu...@xwiki.com> wrote:

> On 06/25/2012 09:24 AM, Vincent Massol wrote:
>> Hi guys,
>> Some time back we started improving title handling, I'd like that we
>> continue this and I'm proposing some further improvements below:
>> * Make the title field contain wiki syntax (same as the content field)
>> instead of just velocity
> it's interesting if we have an i18n macro... for the rest of the
> formatting I'm not sure... I don't know if formatting in titles is used
> that often

Yes. IMHO should we put a WYSIWYG here it should be very minimalist. For
example I wouldn't put a "macro" dialog, but a specialized i18n macro
button. And probably just this button.

>  * Make the title field a textarea so that we can have more than 1 line
> big +1, not for the lines, but for the size (255 becomes quickly too small)
>  * Display a textarea of 1 line initially (to preserve space) but enlarge
>> the textarea visibility by several line on the first Enter keypress in the
>> field
> more or less, I think we should keep it simple for the titles: no wysiwyg
> editor, no textarea, just as it was until now, except that longer.
>  * Stop trying to extract title content from the doc content
>> * Have a backward compat param to still support the old mode, but have it
>> off by default in 4.2/4.3
> This is interesting too, but I don't have a strong opinion, although not
> extracting titles anymore would be wonderful :) .
>  <side>
>> * Introduce a {{i18n}} macro (or {{translate}}, or …)
>> </side>
> +1
> I think we should also have a discussion about the purpose of the title
> (now that we can put anything in document name) and how titles should be
> used by default by the platform, but I need to clear the ideas a bit in my
> head before starting it.

I gave some thoughts to this question lately, and in the end I came to
think wikimedia/wikipedia really nailed the document name/document title
mix. Only they don't have to handle i18n nor dynamic titles.


> Thanks,
> Anca
>> Advantages:
>> * Same as the content field - More consistency
>> * More power since we use wiki syntax and we can use any script language
>> * Removes the WTF symptom when a user edits a page having velocity script
>> in the title since they'll see it displayed in WYSIWYG mode with the title
>> content evaluated
>> * Removes the uncertainty about title extraction (for ex if some macro
>> generates headings) but still allow it if it's really needed - Since the
>> user will be able to write scripts in the title textarea and those scripts
>> can extract stuff from the doc content if they really need it
>> * We'll be able to add a l18n macro and thus display the title
>> translations nicely in the wysiwyg editor
>> WDYT?
>> Thanks
>> -Vincent
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