On 03/12/2015 07:24 AM, Eduard Moraru wrote:
> Hi,
> On Thu, Mar 12, 2015 at 12:03 PM, vinc...@massol.net <vinc...@massol.net>
> wrote:
>> Hi Edy,
>> On 12 Mar 2015 at 10:49:29, Eduard Moraru (enygma2...@gmail.com(mailto:
>> enygma2...@gmail.com)) wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> As it's documentation [1] mentions, the usage of the @Priority annotation
>>> should be defined by the classes it is used on:
>>> "The effect of using the Priority annotation in any particular instance
>> is
>>> defined by other specifications that define the use of a specific class.
>>> For example, the Interceptors specification defines the use of priorities
>>> on interceptors to control the order in which interceptors are called."
>>> Therefore, I suggest we use the @Priority annotation on components that
>>> need it and that like to specify the order in which they are *used* (i.e.
>>> perform their main task).
>> so what you’re suggesting is that:
>> @Component
>> @Name(“content”)
>> @Priority(1000)
>> public class ContentMacro implement Macro
>> has a different meaning than:
>> @Component
>> @Named(“XWiki.WatchListJobClass")
>> @Priority(1000)
>> public class WatchListJobClassDocumentInitializer ...
>> because one if a Macro and the other one is a Document Initializer
>> right?
> ...and because they clearly express it, in their documentations, that they
> accept some annotations and they define how those annotations will be
> interpreted. Basically, the purpose of the javax.annotations package.
>> (BTW note that this wouldn’t work if in the future we start supporting
>> several roles per component impl.)
>> So it means that people reading the code need to understand that even
>> though it’s the same annotation, it’ll have a different meaning.
>> Compare this to:
>> @Component
>> @Name(“content”)
>> @MacroPriority(1000)
> I don`t find this better since it does not tell me what the macro does with
> that priority. @MacroExcutionPriority would have been clear, if that is
> what we pursue.
> public class ContentMacro implement Macro
>> and
>> @Component
>> @Named(“XWiki.WatchListJobClass")
>> @DocumentInitializerPriority(1000)
>> public class WatchListJobClassDocumentInitializer ...
>> IMO the second one is more clear in its intent. WDYT?
> Honestly, I am not a big fan of annotations, specially in Java, and I try
> to keep them to a minimal as much as possible. It feels like a shortcut
> that leads to a dead end. They are not code, but configuration and, as
> such, modifying configuration should not require recompiling the code.
> Back to our particular discussion, AFAIK, we are not doing multiple roles
> per implementation. That, indeed, would probably not work with the javax
> Priority annotation due to lack of specificity.
> I do see the advantages of typed annotations, but also the need to be aware
> of more and more annotations, as they come, when our usecase is pretty
> simple and would be well satisfied by the javax Priority one. That is the
> main reason why I looked for a more generic solution instead of just making
> a new annotation for the document initializer use case. I find it uselessly
> polluting.
> I`d love to hear more opinions on this :)

For your love, here's another opinion.

1. I spent a while looking for javax.annotations.Priority, since I
didn't see it at
... Turns out it's a JEE class that's not in JSE. AFAIK, we're not
really using JEE yet, just JSE with a few JEE modules. Am I wrong? If
not, do we want to require JEE from now on, or is that annotation
available in a Maven Central library that doesn't bring in the whole JEE?

2. I agree with you that this is configuration, not code, thus changing
it shouldn't require recompiling code. I'm -0.5 for the original
proposal because of this.

3. I'd like to resurect http://markmail.org/thread/mrbmbn45cltfvh57 and
enhance/build on top of it. Since we're already using an external file
for listing components, and since we already have a kind of priority in
that file, why not use that file to also give components priorities. If
someone wants to change the priority of a component, all that's required
is to add a new file in WEB-INF/classes with the new priority of the

Before we discuss a syntax, anybody wants to veto this?

> Thanks,
> Eduard
>>> Priorities on other behaviors that are added to a component (for example
>>> through interfaces like Initializable or Disposable, interfaces which are
>>> not components themselves) should provide their own specialized
>>> (behavior-driven) priority annotations (e.g. @DisposePriority,
>>> @InitializationPriority, etc.).
>>> Note: If we want to explore the possibility of using our own generic
>>> Priority annotation, we need to consider the fact that multiple
>> annotations
>>> on the same java class is only supported [1] starting with java 1.8.
>> Until
>>> then, the commonly used workaround [3] seems cumbersome to use.
>> Yep, I’d really not like to use a generic annotation with the namespace
>> being specified. I much much prefer typed annotations.
>> Thanks
>> -Vincent
>>> Thanks,
>>> Eduard
>>> ----------
>>> [1] http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/7/api/javax/annotation/Priority.html
>>> [2] http://bugs.java.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=7151010
>>> [3]
>> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1554112/multiple-annotations-of-the-same-type-on-one-element
>>> On Thu, Mar 12, 2015 at 10:41 AM, vinc...@massol.net
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi devs,
>>>> As part of http://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-11905, Edy has started
>>>> using the Java @Priority annotation.
>>>> This seems very good and I personally didn’t know about this annotation
>>>> before (maybe it’s been introduced not that long ago?). So for me it
>> raises
>>>> the question of: do we want to use this annotation more and how does it
>>>> compare with what we’ve done so far.
>>>> I can think of a few places that could have used it:
>>>> * Macros.get/setPriority(). It should be possible to add support for
>>>> @Priority and modify MacroTransformation to use that annotation.
>>>> * Transformations. We have a jira issue opened for adding support for
>>>> Priority in Transformation’s executions (in TransformationManager).
>>>> * @DisposePriority (used by ECM).
>>>> * TranslationBundle.get/setPriority()
>>>> * … and probably some other places…
>>>> However, I think there’s a namespacing problem. For example imagine
>> that
>>>> we code a Macro and set @Priority on that Macro component. The ECM
>> could
>>>> interpret it as a dispose priority while the MacroTransformation could
>>>> interpret it as an execution priority…
>>>> Globally I think that use an annotation for expressing priority is
>> great
>>>> and much better than what we’ve done in the past with get/setPriority()
>>>> methods. It’s better because priority is not a business concept and
>> we’re
>>>> polluting the business interface with it.
>>>> Now, in order to fix the namespacing issue, I think that the best
>> solution
>>>> is that each module requiring some priority should introduce its own
>>>> annotation and should NOT depend on the @Priority one from the JDK
>> (i.e. we
>>>> ban the usage of it).
>>>> WDYT?
>>>> Thanks
>>>> -Vincent
>>>> W

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