On Tue, Nov 29, 2016 at 9:47 AM, Marius Dumitru Florea
<mariusdumitru.flo...@xwiki.com> wrote:
> Hi devs,
> I have an XWiki application that has a template provider which allows the
> users to create application entries anywhere on the wiki using the Create
> Page menu. I would like to control entirely how application entries are
> displayed to the user. I can do this partially from my sheet but:
> * I can't control the panels. I would like to display panels that are
> specific to my application whenever a user is viewing an application entry,
> no matter where the application entry is located.
> * I can't control the color theme or the icon theme. I would like to use a
> custom color theme and icon theme without affecting the other pages from
> the wiki.
> * I can't control the layout (the skin). I can hide the extra tabs from the
> sheet but I can't hide a panel column or control the panel column width.
> One solution to fix my problem is to introduce XClass Preferences, same as
> we have page and wiki preferences. XClass preferences would have priority

> over page and wiki preferences, inheriting from them. We can implement it

I guess technically you mean space and wiki preferences.

> using either a naming convention, <ClassName>Preferences, or using some
> xobject on the XClass, similar to the ClassSheetBinding xobject.

What kind of object ? XWikiPreferences or a special kind ?

> Do you see any problem with solution? I can think of one: access rights.
> Does it make sense to have access rights specific to an XClass? E.g. "only
> this group can edit instances of this XClass".
> Do you think it is worth implementing? Another solution would be to allow
> the sheet to overwrite some of the preferences, but the problem is that the
> sheet is executed after the page HTML has started to be written to the
> response.
> Thanks,
> Marius

Thomas Mortagne

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