On 05/24/2017 05:51 AM, Thomas Mortagne wrote:
> Hi devs,
> I'm getting closer to finish with the hard work around new platform
> flavor which is going to replace XE.
> Need to decide what user will see in the Flavor picker when installed XWiki 
> now.
> As a reminder we decided that this would be a generic flavor, not tied
> to any specific use case (so forget about "Knwonledge Base Flavor"
> :)).
> Here is a few ideas gathered in previous mails:
> * "XWiki Flavor"
> * "Default XWiki Flavor"
> * "Generic XWiki Flavor"
> * "Base XWiki Flavor"

A few more ideas:

* Classic
* Raw
* Starter

> "Generic" is probably a way too technical term.
> "Base" would be misleading IMO since it's not really a base flavor.
> Its primary goal is not to be used as a dependency (of course it's
> fine to have it as dependency if you just want to add pre installed
> extensions to the default flavor). It's a -1 for me.
> Frankly I would simply go for "XWiki Flavor". I know, it's not going
> to be the only flavor for XWiki but it's obvious when you actually see
> severals of those in the picker anyway and I find it nicer than
> "Default XWiki Flavor" which basically means the same thing since the
> XWiki core project does not plan to provide any other flavor. I'm also
> fine with "Default XWiki Favor" if others think it's a better name.
> WDYT ?

Sergiu Dumitriu

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