Hi Edy,

> On 19 Nov 2018, at 19:15, Eduard Moraru <enygma2...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi, Vincent.
> +1 for the general goal of avoiding needless holiday stress.
> Now, on the details, there is something I'm struggling to understand:
> * I see that we have 2 options for finishing N.11:
> A) In the middle of December (i.e. 10.11RC on 10th of Dec -2w- and 10.11
> Final on 17 Dec -1w-), similar to what we did for 9.11.x (9.11RC1 was on
> 11th of Dec 2017 and 9.11 Final was on 18th of Dec 2017)

> B) At the beginning of January (i.e. 10.11RC on 17th of Dec -3w- and 10.11
> Final on the 7th of Jan 2019 -3w-)
> ** I would personally prefer A) in order to "close the books" before the
> holiday season and start fresh in January. Anyone working during the
> Holidays can start on N+1.0 or work on bugfixes for N.11.1.
> * In both cases, N+1.0 should be same at the end of January, not February.
> ** Why would it have to be end of February, and thus lose a release, as
> mentioned in your "Cons" section?
> ** I get it if it comes as a new proposal to double the length of N.0 to 2m
> instead of 1 (for which I'd be +0, since I prefer less exceptions, if
> possible), but I don't get it if we see it as a consequence of how we
> handle holidays.
> Side note: While trying to understand how all of this works, I can't but
> help to notice how the week-based calculations don't add up, since a month
> is 4.3(3) weeks long and everything planned around weeks is bound to be
> distorted when you look at it by months. IMO, it would make more sense to
> reason in terms of months (synchronized with our 12 releases cycle) and say
> things like "last Monday of December". Not sure how easy it would be to
> work with... just food for thought.

Some comments:

1) We already work by months, see 
https://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Roadmaps/#HXWiki10.xCycle. When we plan a 
given release we adjust (a bit more days or a bit less days) so that it’s 
released before the end of the month.

2) If I sum up your proposal A) it’s about saying that the last release would 
be shorter than the other ones. Say half a month vs one month (we can’t 
guarantee 3 weeks vs 1 month IMO since there can be delays for the previous 
release, people on early holidays, etc).

Pros and cons of option A vs option B:

* More logical, feel nice to have 12 releases for 12 months and to “fully” 
finish the N cycle before new year starts (in practice it’s false, see below).
* More stressful, little margin for error and less time for the last release
* No time at all planned for the bug fix release we need to do for the LTS. 
That’s the biggest issue for option A and what we saw in practice over the past 
years: we start the new cycle at beginning of Jan and at the same time we have 
to do the bug fix release for the LTS. In practice this usually means that 
N+1.0 has little progress in it.

Note that what we did in the past was slightly different:
* We planned for 11 releases (and not 12).
* We said that the end of the year (last month) was 2 stabilization releases of 
2 weeks each (no RCs).

IMO if we want to fully finish by end of year we need to include at least one 
bugfix release for the LTS before the end of the year, which means stopping the 
dev at end of November (i.e. N.10) and then do a first bugfix release (N.10.1) 
for mid December and a last bugfix release (N.10.2) from Mid December to early 
January (2nd or 3rd of Jan).

I am under the impression that option B) (the one I proposed) would be less 
stressful. It comes at the expense of 1 release less but I’m not sure that this 
would be a huge issue.
@Devs: what would you prefer?


PS: We need to hurry to decide if we want to put this in place in the coming 
days… Might be too late already for some options.

> Thanks,
> Eduard
> On Mon, Nov 19, 2018 at 6:13 PM Vincent Massol <vinc...@massol.net> wrote:
>> Hi devs,
>> Some devs mentioned it’s too hard to release the N.11 release since it
>> happens around Christmas every year.
>> Here’s a proposal:
>> * Shorten the cycle to 11 releases instead of 12.
>> * Release N.9 at end of Nov
>> * Release N.10 at end of first week of Jan. Note: N.10RC1 would be
>> released mid December (about 17th of Dec to have 3 weeks of RC).
>> * Release N+1.0 at end of February. Start of N+1.0 work
>> Pros:
>> * No release during Christmas, yeah :)
>> * More time to prepare the first LTS bugfix release, i.e. N.10.1, which
>> can be done during the month of January.
>> * More time for the first released of N+1 (i.e. N+1.0). This is important
>> since that’s the release where we can do heavy refactoring and it’s not bad
>> to get some more time.
>> Cons:
>> * One less release
>> WDYT? Do you see other cons?
>> Thanks
>> -Vincent

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