
On Thu, Mar 21, 2019 at 5:41 PM Vincent Massol <vinc...@massol.net> wrote:
> Hi devs,
> I remember that we talked about this new global test coverage strategy but I 
> don’t recall where and I couldn’t find an email about it. So I’m reposting 
> the strategy that I’ve just finished implementing.
> * Every day the Clover job runs: https://ci.xwiki.org/view/Tools/job/Clover/
> * It generates a global coverage report and compares it automatically with 
> the first report generated for the current version
> * If the global coverage is reduced, then:
> ** an email is sent to notificati...@xwiki.org containing the report
> ** the job is marked as FAILING
> ** A failing badge is added to the job history
> ** A red large text is added to the job page and a link to the report is sent
> * Developers MUST fix the global coverage before we can release a version, so 
> the it means the global coverage must not be reduced during a version.
> * The RM should check the CI (already part of his chores) and the 
> “Recommended Failing” view on ci.xwiki.org must not have errors or failures 
> (so that includes pitest job and clover job).
> Any comments? Does that seem ok to you?
> If you confirm it’s ok, I’ll document it on 
> https://dev.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Community/Testing/TestCoverage/
> Note: A few minutes ago an email has been sent since the global coverage has 
> been reduced compared to yesterday.
> See 
> http://maven.xwiki.org/site/clover/20190321/XWikiReport-20190320-0128-20190321-1059.html
> So we need to fix it now.
> Thanks
> -Vincent

Thomas Mortagne

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