> On 23 May 2019, at 12:54, Vincent Massol <vinc...@massol.net> wrote:
> Hi Caty,
>> On 23 May 2019, at 12:38, Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) <vali...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> Ideally we should go over the IDEAS issues already reported and see which
>> one would need to go in this new project.
> Yep.
>> IMO there is little benefit we can get from this CEIDEA project
>> (I would
>> have liked it to be EXOIDEA as naming).
> Sure, Done!
>> It might end up to be the "place
>> where ideas go to die”.
> Yes, that’s the idea ;) (pun intended).
> It’s not to die, it’s to record ideas and give the ability for anyone to
> comment on them. Sure, the majority of them won’t be implemented but that’s
> the same as saying that its useful to record ideas
^^^not useful
> and I don’t agree with this statement. It can create discussions (in the
> issue) and provide ideas for GSOCers or others to take up some ideas. It’s
> also a way to record and give the paternity of the idea to someone. It’s also
> answers whatever one in the community wants: when they have an idea, where do
> they report it? If you tell them, just keep it in your head, that’s not very
> useful nor positive.
>> The only use case indeed are the hackatons and GSOC projects. But I like
>> that is separate from the other issues and, being in JIRA, it will be easy
>> to reference and move them.
> Yes that’s a good idea. We could create either a component in this project
> for GSOC ideas or a jira label.
>> I think it should be documented somewhere that this place exists (depending
>> if we want to encourage it or just use it as a way to clean the XWIKI
>> project). Maybe contrib homepage?
> I don’t think it’s very important since we would be the one moving them but
> yes it’s better to document it somewhere. 2 places comes to mind:
> * Contrib home page
> * Contributing page:
> https://dev.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Community/Contributing
> Thanks
> -Vincent
>> Thanks,
>> Caty
>> On Wed, May 22, 2019 at 7:36 PM Vincent Massol <vinc...@massol.net> wrote:
>>>> On 16 Feb 2019, at 15:21, Vincent Massol <vinc...@massol.net> wrote:
>>>> Hi Thomas and devs,
>>>>> On 31 Jan 2019, at 09:35, Thomas Mortagne <thomas.morta...@xwiki.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi xwikiers,
>>>>> I'm never sure where to put ideas of extensions I have so I often
>>>>> forget them or details I had tough about or gathered back then.
>>>>> I don't think http://design.xwiki.org is the right place until you
>>>>> really start designing the extension. Also it's too generic for this
>>>>> need and not a very good entry point for searching something IMO, more
>>>>> something to link to from somewhere else.
>>>>> I would prefer something really dedicated to this "that would be a
>>>>> nice thingy but not sure about the details yet" state. Would be a good
>>>>> source for hackathons and GSOC or for contributors who are searching
>>>>> for something interesting to work on.
>>>>> I was thinking about the following alternatives:
>>>>> * a new dedicated project on https://jira.xwiki.org
>>>>> * reuse https://jira.xwiki.org/projects/XCONTRIB after some cleanup
>>>>> (close everything left in it basically) but not super clean (it's just
>>>>> that it's a good name)
>>>>> * some new application on http://www.xwiki.org
>>>>> WDYT ?
>>>>> Right now my preference goes to a clean new jira project (just need to
>>>>> think about a good project id) where you put description and close it
>>>>> when the extension work really start on a dedicated location. Less
>>>>> work and should do the job well.
>>>> For me a single design page on design.xwiki.org called “Wanted
>>> Extensions” would be enough. We had such a page for “Wanted Macros” and
>>> then we strike them out when they’re implemented/available (see
>>> https://design.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Design/NewMacros).
>>>> Installing the Idea app is a nice idea :) Unfortunately this app only
>>> supports a single idea theme ATM (AFAIK). If we could use it in a namespace
>>> (under a given page) then we could install it on design.xwiki.org and
>>> make that “Wanted Extensions” page use it. That would be ideal for me. It
>>> shouldn’t be hard to refactor the Idea app to support that I guess if it
>>> doesn’t already support it.
>>>> I don’t like too much using JIRA for this (I prefer to keep JIRA for
>>> stuff to implement, i.e. when it goes out of the idea/design phase) and
>>> keep design.xwiki.org as our first phase and only create issues in jira
>>> when it’s tasked for implementation.
>>> After more thoughts I’m ok with a new jira project for this since:
>>> 1) It allows moving jira issues around jira projects. Someone creates a
>>> jira issue in XWiki for something that shouldn’t be part of XS and we can
>>> move it. Example: https://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-16419
>>> 2) When (and if) the time comes for implementation, the issue can be moved
>>> to the right project
>>> 3) Since it would be a new jira project, it wouldn’t mess up the other
>>> jira projects.
>>> To answer Edy’s point, if the idea is about XS then it should continue to
>>> go in XWIKI jira project. This is for new extension ideas.
>>> WDYT?
>>> If ok, I can create it tomorrow.
>>> Thanks
>>> -Vincent
>>>> Thanks
>>>> -Vincent
>>>>> --
>>>>> Thomas Mortagne