Hi Fawad, Hi all,
Hi everyone,
Hope all are well.
Ecaterina, Stephane,
For the search, do you think that we have to keep both the filter search
and the search inside the map? I feel like its an important use case for
the users to be able to search a location/place but that is not possible
with the query search. One approach is to have a single form with select
options if the the user wants to query the data or make a location search.
Here's a categorical single search form I made about a year ago:
Imho the ability to search for a location should be an option, because not all
users will need it, I think. In case it is activated, I would suggest a user
experience inspired by the one exposed by GoGoCarto, the one of Google Maps,
the CCI Map and the widget you mention indeed, that is made of the following
1) a search input
2) only if the location search option is activated: two radio buttons for
defining the scope: either the map data or a location
3) a panel that shows up upon explicit activation by the user for displaying
and applying facets (on this aspect, it differs from GoGoCarto where the
category filter is always present when the search widget is visible)
4) a list of search results that show up under the search widget and that can
be hidden
- https://abc.gogocarto.fr/annuaire#/carte/recherche/abc?cat=all
- http://carte.preference-commerce.fr/cci-fr
What do you think about this approach in terms of UX?
I took a look at the application-releasenotes and what I understand is
that there are sample demo pages instead of functional tests. I personally
think our Interactive Maps Application aligns well with that approach and
we can have the same type of tests/demos. WDYT?
I would start preparing for a release for now and implement the tests once
we have coordinated on how we do it.
That looks like a great plan.
Stéphane Laurière
XWiki – https://xwiki.com