Hi Stéphane, Ecaterina and everyone,
Hope you all had a wonderful weekend.

So I am working on shapes and wanted to know how I should deal with the
large number of options for each shape type. As expected, the options are
different for each shape type.

I have multiple approaches in mind for this:
*Approach A:* Using the normal properties of XClass, create all the options
for a shape type as properties for that class. This will in turn increase
the class size as a lot of options will exist for each shape type.
*Approach B:* Use a static list or array to define the value of each shape
type option. I have tried and it seems we cannot make use of key value
pairs in static list or any other data type in XWiki so I am not completely
sure of the implementation using static lists.
*Approach C:* Create a single TextArea property for options in each shape
type class. The user can pass a JSON of options in that TextArea. Imho I
prefer this approach since JSON is a standard format and it will give the
user freedom of which options to use.


Fawad Ali

On Mon, Jul 22, 2019 at 10:25 PM Stéphane Laurière <slauri...@xwiki.com>

> Hi Fawad, Hi all,
> > Hi all,
> > Hope you are doing well.
> >
> > Stephane proposed that there should be a change in the Point data
> > structure. I agree that latitude and longitude should be two distinct
> > fields but am not sure how we are going to accommodate geographical
> > addresses. Should we create a separate class for an address? But if we
> are
> > going to supply latitude and longitude to the map, we will need to
> process
> > the addresses in some way and store their lat and lng somewhere as a
> point
> > object.
> > I am going to put this on hold until we are in the clear.
> I just commented on this at https://jira.xwiki.org/browse/INTMAP-27
> > I have also added support for using custom class properties as addresses
> to
> > feed to the map as points. This feature is available in the advanced
> > options of map configuration. For now, the properties should be given in
> > the form property.ClassPath.property_name e.g.
> > property.XWiki.XWikiUsers.address_en. This is inline with how solr
> > perceives properties.
> That sounds great to use the same syntax as the Solr one indeed.
> > Does anyone have any suggestions for making it easier to query a class
> > property? I will try to remove the need for the ending "_en" or "_string"
> > part since they can prove confusing in some contexts.
> +1 for removing "_en" since the app could be used in wikis where English
> is not enabled. I don't have further suggestion on my end so far...
> > I will start moving on with the development and create a mechanism for
> > adding paths to the map.
> Great, I commented also at https://jira.xwiki.org/browse/INTMAP-27 as you
> probably noticed,
> Cheers
> Stéphane
> --
> Stéphane Laurière
> XWiki – https://xwiki.com

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